The old school on Freiberger road 14 (cf. Information board 9) had become too small. The restrooms were located across the yard. Years 2 until 4 had been taught in Beerwalde. One year had been taught at the old after school care center on „Alten Schulweg 9“. Hence, in 1988 the building of a new school was started. With the fall of the iron curtain around 1990 the construction company abandoned the construction site leaving it in a bad shape. The school’s director Gerald Gutte and his staff along with parents and students took over to clean the building. With that school could finally start on the 1st of September in 1990. In 2006 the last class of year 10 graduated from middle school. After that the school was closed due to school reductions in the area.

At the same time, the primary school and its after-school care center were no longer able to meet the standards of the time. Also the kindergarten had become too small and no longer fulfilled the necessary regulations. As a consequence the school’s building was renovated. In 2007 it reopened as a primary school and kindergarten. An elevator was added on the left side of the building in order to allow disabled people access to the building. In 2023 around 130 pupils are attending the primary school. The following rooms can be found on the different floors:

Basement: library, a room for the village’s locan historian, the heating, a workshop, a dining room, technical supplies (water, gas)

Ground floor: primary school and school’s office

First floor: after school care center

Outside a playground, sport facilities, a school garden, a parking lot, and a bus stop have been created. The youth club is located in the old boiler house.

The "New School" 2006 [Picture: Gerold Müller].