The pond of approximately 1 hectar called “Wolfs Teich”, once called “Großer Teich”, is already mentioned in Oeder’s maps from about 1580 as an artificially created stretch of water with a dam. Accordingly it is at least 443 years old. The exact year of creation and the original occasion for its creation remain unknown, other records show that Ruppendorf’s stretches of water after the fisheries regulation of 1575 by the Elector were filled with trouts, pikes, whitefish, loach and crabs.

In 1622 the chief chamberlain of the Elector, Heinrich von Taube, made use of the abundance of fish within the pond “Großer Teich” in order to supply the Elector’s court in Dresden.

Ruppendorf experienced repeated problems with the water supply. The wells went dry often which is why the desire for a reliable water source increased. In order to solve this problem, the valley “Langer Grund” was considered. Although the creation of a pipeline had been refused by the majority of the residents in 1908, in 1910 they began to construct a water pipeline. For this purpose, several wells in the “Langer Grund” in several steps and a handmade pipeline that reached into the village were constructed. A reinforced concrete overhead tank with a capacity to contain 100 m³ of water was constructed at the pond “Großer Teich”. The iron columns of the fencing of the container were made at the Kirchner’s forge (cf. Information board 11). The construction cost 48.000 Mark. In the following decades additional wells were added in order to fulfill the increasing need for water.

When Ruppendorf was connected with the drinking water pipeline of the dam of Klingenberg there was less need for water containment in the “Langer Grund” which led to the facility’s decay. With the installment of a flood retention basin (cf. Information board 22) the old water pipeline had been cut after almost a century and was eventually unusable. The historic wells and the overhead tank, however, still work. In the past decades, the pond “Wolfs Teich” has been used as a recreational spot by many local residents for swimming and ice-skating.

Haymaking at Wolf's pond around 1910 [Picture: Chronicle Ruppendorf].