The first gym in Ruppendorf was constructed on the grounds of the Inn “Erbgericht” in 1924. In order to finance this project, the landlord Rudolf Schneider, supported by the municipality, took on a loan. The sportspeople contributed largely to the success of this endeavor by purchasing tickets for 50 RM each. The user costs for the gym were paid by a cooperation of the local sports clubs “Deutscher Turnverein” and “Freie Turner” as well as the school.

In exchange for the tickets that the athletes had purchased the landlord obliged himself to yearly payments to the athletes. Numerous documents, however, have proven that Schneider often did not fulfill his responsibilities. He further complicated regular trainings for the athletes with rent increases and by imposing conditions.

During the Second World War the gym served as a storage location for materials of the “Bienertmühle” company and “Friedrich Fehre”. A separated area of the building was used to store hay and other goods. Around 1952 the company “WISMUT” installed a kitchen in the building when it was searching the surroundings of Ruppendorf for uranium ore. In order to circumvent future difficulties with rent demands, the municipality initiated the purchase of the gym in 1968. It took more than 100 working hours by the “Nationale Aufbauwerk”, a voluntary initiative to collectively restore public places and facilities, to replace the damaged floor with a concrete floor. Supported by craftsmen and plenty of voluntary helpers a special gym floor with parquet flooring was laid and the windows facing the road were replaced. Furthermore, the inner and outer parts of the building were repainted. The estimated costs of the extensive renovation were 40.000 Mark. In 1970 a shack was added which served as a changing room.

In order to meet the increasing requirements of school sports and regular trainings, the community started to add a social wing next to the cultural park. This contained an equipment room, washrooms and changing rooms as well as a community room on the first floor. The fabric of the gym had ended up in a very bad condition after around 90 years of use, so that in 2015 a gym with the same ground-plan was built for 1.55 million Euros by the municipality of Klingenberg.


The new gym with race track 2015 [Picture: Mario Hehne].